"I had the opportunity to guide a whitetail hunt this past weekend with disabled children. I thought this would be a good opportunity to use my suppressed .308 with EBR’s Reaper Subsonic Expander. We were able to harvest two deer with it over the weekend. The first deer was a doe, which was shot at 100 yards. The hunter dropped her in its tracks. The second shot was on an 8 point at 183 yards. After hearing the impact of the bullet, the deer ran less than 50 yards before expiring. We were able to retrieve the bullet, which performed exactly as advertised (I’ve attached a picture of the bullet). I can’t say enough about this bullet and its performance, even at extreme distances for a suppressed subsonic load. These bullets are also a perfect match for the disable children I was hunting with, most of which had cerebral palsy. The low recoil and almost no sound from its firing made it an enjoyable experience for these hunters."
- Alec M. Taylor

"So I am sure many people are wondering the same thing I was about the EBR "Reaper" subsonic .308 ammo, is it effective and lethal? I am sure the same things on my mind were on your mind as well. Things such as knock down power and enough velocity. Will it expand as advertised? Do I need to do a neck or spine shot to be lethal? Will there be a blood trail? Let me put your mind at ease, I was able to harvest a 100+ pound doe at about 75 yards with a broadside shot and the bullet went through and through. Where I hunt you better have spilled blood because it is so thick. She ran ten yards and piled up in the briars. When I got to her and looked at the wound channel, I could see about half way into the body with a hole a little bit bigger than a nickel. I was incredibly received to know that this would ethically kill a deer. The guys at EBR did a fantastic job with research and testing. I highly recommend you give them a call."
- David Delaney